Short Stories Tall Tales – The Hare And The Tortoise
Friday 3rd May, 11:30am and 1:30pm
A live, sensory first theatre experience from Short Stories Tall Tales. Hannah Summers brings classic, modern and original stories to life. Immerse your little ones imaginations through live performance, fully interactive role-play, props, music and creative drama. An exciting adventure into stories and exploration through the senses.
The Hare And The Tortoise
Written and told by Hannah Summers, illustrations by Miranda Summers
In one of the most famous of Aesop’s fables, a very cheeky and boastful Hare gloats that he’s the fastest creature in the whole wood. A tortoise sick of bickering on this topic volunteers to race him and Hare learns an important lesson.
Hannah’s inventive and energetic retelling follows the Hare and the Tortoise through, over and round the forest obstacles and working together, your little ones learn that it isn’t all about who wins the chase, slow and steady wins the race. Tortoise comes first, but so do we, as teamwork is worth more than first place to me.
45 minute show suitable for 0-5s.
11:30am: Adult and child pair, £14*; Additional adult or child ticket; £9* each.
1:30pm: Adult and child pair, £12.50*; Additional adult or child ticket; £8* each.
Please note that other than babes in arms all children need a ticket. Babes in arms are a baby who is too young to sit and has to be held.
*A £2 booking fee applies per ticket when booking online and in person. The booking fee covers costs charged to the charity for the booking system and payment processing.