Short Stories Tall Tales – Nana Hannah And Her Hats

Children and Family
Tue, 08 Aug 2023
Tue, 08 Aug 2023
From £8*
nana hats

Short Stories Tall Tales – Nana Hannah And Her Hats

Tuesday 8 August, 11:30 and 1:30pm

A live, sensory first theatre experience from Short Stories Tall Tales. Hannah Summers brings classic, modern and original stories to life. Immerse your little ones imaginations through live performance, fully interactive role-play, props, music and creative drama. An exciting adventure into stories and exploration through the senses.

Nana Hannah has a house, a house by the sea,
Wild and free was the sea and so was the house. 
As Nana’s house has an attic,
In the attic are magic hats,
And inside her hats, 
is a story.

Come and visit Hannah’s, Nana Hannah, on an epic imaginative adventure to a land far away. A voyage to an isle of pirates, maps and treasure.

Hannah guides interactive family play through this magical story with energetic storytelling, drama, play props and music and immersive illustrations throughout.

An original tale, written and told by Hannah Summers, illustrations by Sorcha Healy

45 minute show suitable for 0-5s.

11:30am: Adult and child pair, £14*; Additional adult or child ticket; £8* each.
1:30pm: Adult and child pair, £12.50*; Additional adult or child ticket; £8* each.

*A £1.50 booking fee applies per ticket when booking online and in person. The booking fee covers costs charged to the charity for the booking system and payment processing.

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